Journal of Preventive and Complementary Medicine (J Prev Complement Med) is an international, quarterly (4 issues per year), open access, and peer-reviewed journal that covers the fields of preventive medicine (disease prevention, health promotion, and public health) and complementary medicine (traditional medicine, herbal medicine, and dietary therapy). The Journal provides a global platform for discussion, perspectives and research on preventive and complementary medicine.

Major topics covered include:

  • Preventive Medicine (Disease prevention, Health promotion, Public health and Health policy);
  • Traditional and Herbal Medicine;
  • Dietary Therapy/ Nutrition Supplements/Nutraceuticals/Probiotics.


Journal title history

  • Journal of Preventive and Complementary Medicine
    2024 – current,

  • Novelty in Clinical Medicine
    2022-2023, eISSN: 2783-4492


For all inquiries, please contact us by email:


Current Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2024 

Case Report

Hypoxic brain trauma causing blindness in a multiple gunshot wound patient: a challenging clinical scenario with a brief review of the literature

Pages 50-57


Benjamin Brod; Tejas Patel; Rebecca Hargett; Berdith Lebrun; Sultan S Ahmed; Rolando Branly; Syed A. A. Rizvi

Publication Information

Sadra Danesh Negar

Chairperson Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor-in-Chief

Indexing and Abstracting

Keywords Cloud