Investigation of Niosomes for use as brucellosis vaccine

Document Type : Original Article


1 Research Center for Life & Health Sciences & Biotechnology of the Police, Directorate of Health, Rescue & Treatment, Police Headquarter, Tehran, Iran

2 Molecular Biology Research Center, Systems Biology and Poisonings Institute, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 Research Center for Trauma in Police Operations, Directorate of Health, Rescue & Treatment, Police Headquarter, Tehran, Iran


Background: Niosomes are a promising new drug delivery system that utilizes vesicles to provide sustained, controlled, and targeted delivery of drugs. Not only are they effective for delivering drugs, but they also show potential as vaccine candidates. With their unique properties and capabilities, niosomes represent a valuable tool for advancing the field of drug delivery.
Objectives: The primary objective of this study was to analyze the host's immunogenic response to niosomes loaded with a chimeric protein as a potential brucellosis vaccine candidate.
Methods: In 2020, 50 BALB/c mice were used in this experimental investigation to assess the immunogenic response to niosomes containing a chimeric protein as a potential brucellosis vaccine candidate. The mice were randomly assigned to different groups for injection, oral, and inhalation administration of the vaccine. Brucella strains were obtained from the Razi Vaccine and Serum Institute, and microbiological studies were conducted using the microbial collection from the Pasteur Institute of Iran. Luria-Bertani liquid and solid culture medium from Merck, Germany; Brucella agar culture medium from Gibco, USA; and Kanamycin antibiotic from Roche, Germany, were used during the study.
Results: The study showed promising results, indicating that niosomes are an effective and safe approach in the design of a Brucella vaccine. The immunogenic response in the laboratory mice was found to be satisfactory, suggesting that this type of vaccine could be a suitable candidate for protection against brucellosis.
Conclusion: Niosomes have emerged as a promising drug delivery system for vaccines. They offer controlled, sustained, and targeted delivery of vaccines, which is essential for effective and safe immunization. Overall, these findings suggest that niosomes hold great potential in vaccine development and could play a crucial role in the fight against various diseases.


Main Subjects

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